Aqui pela Horta Encantada fazem-se os últimos preparativos para receber, na próxima sexta-feira, os meninos das férias da Estufa - Plataforma Cultural para "Uma Tisana na Casa da Árvore". As bolachas de flores já estão prontas faltam os pequenos detalhes e as tisanas mas estas últimas só na sexta serão preparadas.
Here at Horta Encantada preparations are being made to receive, next Friday, the children form Estufa - Plataforma Cultural vacation to an activity called "a tisane in the tree house".The flower cookies are ready, just small details are missing and of course the tisanes but this will only be prepared on friday.
Here at Horta Encantada preparations are being made to receive, next Friday, the children form Estufa - Plataforma Cultural vacation to an activity called "a tisane in the tree house".The flower cookies are ready, just small details are missing and of course the tisanes but this will only be prepared on friday.
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